You will definitely come to know about the joys of open source and you’ll want to get involved. That’s great! The first thing to do is to find a project to begin contributing to. You’re in luck: Many other developers have created a rich and lively open-source project scene waiting for others to join in. Some ways or tools to find open-source project issues will be discussed in the article.

Contributing to open source is not only fun but also rewarding. It is the way you can improve your skills, make a more meaningful connection, and of course advance in your career. The open source is beneficial to you in any case you are either an individual, an organization, a small company, or a non-profit organization. For every project available on websites be involved in Open Source Projects.

Hence, to contribute, you only have to discover a project that matches you and an issue to handle. However, it is not as easy as it appears finding an open-source project to work on can be tricky, especially if you are a beginner here comes the guide from Open Source Collection, now use this in-depth guide to find open-source project issues.

Ways To Find Open Source Projects Issues

You can pick any of these websites or tips to find a project/issue to work on.


So you have another handy feature for finding issues and projects. CodeTriage curates a handful of open issues and delivers them straight into your inbox. After you have signed up for CodeTriage, you pick the repos you want to work with, and they periodically send you issues. If you're going to be busy, they have an algorithm that gets you sidetracked to another issue so as not to be too overwhelmed.

Issue Hub

A website that helps you find projects/issues based on your preferred language or issue is the issue hub. issue hub is a little project that allows you to search for issues in GitHub to work on. Unlike other contributing projects the focus is on labeled issues rather than projects. This project is for the sake of promoting issue labeling of open source projects such that people having different skill sets contribute effectively.


An amazing list of issues and repositories is available at Find friendly open-source projects with issues labeled easy. Begin contributing immediately. To start up the application two things have to be done. Produce the repository info with Rust and After that Create React App. The list of issues and repositories in this platform is amazing. 

First Timers Only

The first-timer only chooses the easiest parts from popular open-source projects to start with and helps you to contribute to open-source for the first time. and they expect you to believe them that by teaching students how to code, how to think, and how to contribute to open source, the next generation of coders and creators will be born.. they APPRECIATE the first-time contributors and they want them to know that everyone has their first time.

Awesome First Timers

It is a GitHub repository where you can find some great first-timer projects/issues dependent on languages. I can say that it seems the maintainer of this repository has done great research. If you are a maintainer of open-source projects, add the label first-timers-only (or similar) to your project and include it here so that people can find it. If you are not a programmer but you’d like to contribute, please refer to Awesome for non-programmers instead.

Pull Request Roulette

This one Pull request roulette is different from others, you can find the open PRs here which require review. (Believe me, open source contribution is not only about making PRs, when you review other’s code you are, at the same time, increasing your skills + helping the maintainers of the repository).

GitHub Search 

Have you heard of the GitHub advanced search feature with filters? Finding a good open-source project to contribute to might not be so easy, but with GitHub search it just became a matter of knowing how to use it. You can filter your search based on many factors; Number of stars, Label of the issue, Programming Language, Username of the owner, Timestamp, Number of forks, and still there is much more…

GitHub Issue Tracker

GitHub Issue Tracker is one such solver of the problem. Most open-source projects host their code on GitHub which provides an integrated issue tracker for bugs, feature requests, and general tasks. GitHub repositories can be explored and issues can be filtered by labels, project size, and programming language.

Open Source Directories

Open Source Directories are too best solutions. There are some directories for open-source projects, e.g. GitHub Explore, GitLab Explore, etc. And on Thursdays, Open Source Friday gives us a list of open-source projects from various platforms. These platforms group projects by coding languages, subjects, and popularity, simplifying the process of finding new projects.

Visit Hackathons and Open Source Events

Hackathons and Open Source Events are the best options for resolving open-source project problems. Typically, hackathons and open-source events offer chances to delve into concrete projects and address clear problems. These events are great since they bring together maintainers of the projects and other contributors and enable them to learn about the upcoming initiatives

Learn How to Fix the First Bug in an Open Source Project here in this article…


Working on an open-source project issue offers a great way to give back to the community and also enhance your skills. When you come across an issue that resonates with you, make sure you check out the contribution guidelines of the project, communicate with the maintainers, and submit good pull requests or patches. Your contributions can have a substantial change on the project and the open-source community as well.


How do you find issues to contribute to open source?

You can search on popular platforms such as GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket to find projects that need help. Search for projects with well-documented code, engaged dev group, and kind communities. You may also look at the issues and pull requests sections to know what sort of bugs are reported and how they are debugged.

Apart from searching for projects you are familiar with, git search projects can further help you find good first issues based on the technical field of your expertise. GitHub has a good-first-issue topics page which enables you to explore recent issues tagged as good first issues.

Use Open-Source Directories - check different platforms that show different open-source projects. Websites such as GitHub Explore, GitLab Explore, Open Source Friday, etc., are all project lists, facilitating their search.

Usually, there is an approach to solving open-source problems step by step. First of all, you should read and understand the whole problem description that contains any required context provided by the project maintainers. Then, perform research to collect more information on the issue like related discussions, documentation, and existing solutions. After you have a clear picture of the problem, come up with various solutions. Trying out how to work with other contributors is vital to improving your way and making your solution agree with the project’s aim. Having devised a solution, code it following the coding conventions of the project. The last step is to submit your solution as a pull request or a patch and to add any documentation if necessary.