Open-source software development is like a thriving ecosystem where developers can join in, work on interesting projects, team up with people from around the world, and improve their skills. If you want to get into open source, learn a lot, and work with some really talented folks, you've come to the right spot.

This article will introduce you to 10 cool open-source projects in different areas. Whether you're into making websites, artificial intelligence, operating systems, or anything else, you'll find a project that matches what you like and your skill level.

How To Discover An Open Source Project

If you're eager to contribute to open source projects but aren't sure where to begin, here's a helpful tip: focus on the issues, not the projects. Many project maintainers use labels like "good-first-issue," "help-wanted," or "up-for-grabs" to highlight tasks suitable for newcomers. You can search for these labels across different projects or see if your chosen project has any of them. Some websites also gather projects that need assistance, making it easy for you to find suitable tasks.

If you manage to make a contribution, the sense of accomplishment can be quite exhilarating. It's often shared on social media, and there's nothing like successfully adding your input to a tech project.

Here are some other ways to discover open source projects:

  • Explore GitHub's Popular Repositories: GitHub Explore is a great starting point. It showcases popular and trending repositories, allowing you to filter by topics, languages, collections, and more. You can also see the stars and followers of other developers.

  • Check the "awesome-for-beginners" Repo on GitHub: This repository gathers projects tagged as beginner-friendly, organizing them by programming language or technology. It's a comprehensive resource for finding projects suitable for newcomers.

  • Search GitHub Topics: Use specific github topics or phrases to locate repositories. You can search directly or browse by category, sorting by ratings, forks, significance, or update date. For example, explore if you're interested in web development.

  • Check Tech Job Platforms: Many companies with a strong connection to open source started as repositories on platforms like GitHub. Explore job platforms focused on the tech industry to find postings from companies actively contributing to open source. This can offer insights into organizations valuing open source contributions and may lead to opportunities to work on exciting projects while contributing to the community.

By exploring these avenues, you might not only find a fulfilling open source project to contribute to but also discover job opportunities with companies deeply rooted in the open source world.

Top 10 Open Source Projects for Beginners To Try in 2024

Here we have a list of Top 10 Open Source Projects for Beginners easily available at Github and Open Source Collection:

  1. Kanboard

Kanboard is a tool for managing projects, and it follows the Kanban way of doing things. In software development, maintenance mode means a program is done with its tasks and free of bugs. It can also mean the software is no longer keeping up with others or the latest technology. If you are looking for a good PHP Project then this one is the best choice for you…

  1. TastyIgniter

If you are looking forward to Laravel projects then you must have to check out his one… TastyIgniter is a helpful tool for restaurants that want to let their customers order food online or reserve tables. It's like a reliable and professional system for managing these services. TastyIgniter is a project that's supported by a community of people, and it's constantly getting better because of the awesome backers who help it grow. Plus, it's licensed under MIT, which means it's open for everyone to use and improve!

  1. Kirilkirkov

Are you new at code igniter? Looking forward to a  simple but unique codeigniter project? Here we have Kirilkirkov for you. This is a cool online shop platform also known as Bootstrap Responsive Multi-Vendor, MultiLanguage. It helps you create a store that looks good on different devices. If this project saves you time, you can support its development by buying me a cup of coffee. It's supposed to work on version 5.3.7 of PHP, but we really recommend using a newer version. Older versions might have security problems and might not work as well. Upgrading to a newer version is safer and better for your online store!

  1. Activity Watch system

Try this wonderful Python project which is easy to use and edit. The aim of ActivityWatch is straightforward: gather useful life data without compromising your privacy. We've achieved this goal by developing an application that securely stores data on your own device. Additionally, we've created watchers that record information like: The application currently in use and the title of its window. Also The active browser tab, along with its title and URL. Moreover that Keyboard and mouse activity, helping to figure out if you're away from the computer. You have the freedom to decide how much data you want to collect—whether it's a lot or a little. We also encourage users to contribute by creating watchers to collect even more types of data.

  1. MediaCMS

MediaCMS is a cool and up-to-date open source tool for handling videos and media. It's like a super versatile system made for today's internet, letting you easily watch and share all kinds of media. You can use it to create your own video and media hub, whether it's just a small one or something a bit bigger—it only takes a few minutes!


This awesome tool is made using the latest techie stuff like Django and React, and it even has a REST API to make things even smoother. So, if you're into videos and media, this could be just what you need!

  1. MiroTalk 

MiroTalk  is a fantastic tool for having live video chats with friends or colleagues. It's super easy, safe, and quick—just what you need for real-time conversations. You can even have really high-quality video meetings, up to 4k resolution and 60 frames per second. And the best part? It works smoothly on any browser or device you're using. Right now, we're showing how it works on Hetzner, which is like one of the top cloud providers and server experts. It's just to give you a sneak peek into how cool and reliable Free WebRTC is! And if you are new to javascript then this one is the best javascript project for you…

  1. Ever Gauzy 

Are you new to Node JS development? Are you looking for some cool Nodejs projects? Then you must have to try Ever Gauzy. Ever Gauzy Platform is like this super helpful tool. Basically, it's there to make managing people and work time easy and smart. With it, you can handle things like keeping track of your team, managing work hours, and even checking how well everyone is doing at their jobs. What's really cool is that it's put together using React and ReactNative (Expo), making it all smooth and connected. It talks to the headless Ever Gauzy Platform APIs, making sure everything runs like a well-oiled machine!

  1. Skateshop

Here we have a wonderful ecommerce beginner friendly Next js project for you named Skateshop!  This is like a cool online store for skate gear that anyone can use and even tweak if they want to. It's made using the latest Next.js version 13, and it all starts with this handy tool called create-t3-app. Now, what's really awesome about it is that it uses some cutting-edge tech, like server actions and drizzle ORM. These are like the magic behind the scenes, but just so you know, they might change in the future and could cause a little hiccup in your store. So, it's good to keep an eye out for any updates!

  1. Tinode 

Tinode Instant Messaging Server is like this cool project with a big goal: to make instant messaging awesome, especially on mobile phones. It's inspired by XMPP, which is like the superhero of open platforms for chatting. Now, here's the exciting part: it's not just about chatting, but also making sure your messages are super private. The project wants to create a decentralized messaging system, making it really tough for governments to track or block your messages. So, it's not just chatting, it's chatting with superpowers for privacy! 

  1. Akaunting

Akaunting is like a special tool just for you if you have a small business or do freelancing. It's totally free and open for everyone to use online. Imagine it as your own accounting wizard! What's cool about Akaunting is that it's made using fancy tech like Laravel, VueJS, Tailwind, and RESTful API. It's like having the latest gadgets for your business math.

And here's the magic touch: Akaunting is built in a way that you can add extra features to it, like apps on your phone. It's all thanks to its modular structure, making it super fun for both users and tech magicians (developers) to play with. So, think of it as your personal accounting playground! 

Final Thoughts

Open-source software has transformed the landscape of Computer Science. It has given rise to a dynamic community of developers who pursue their passion projects while also earning a living through their skills. Open source projects play a crucial role in guiding individuals from novice to expert levels of knowledge and proficiency, making them invaluable for aspiring programmers.

Platforms like GitHub  and OpenSourceCollection serve as gold mines for those starting their careers in programming. For beginners, it's the optimal space to collaborate with peers and learn through active contributions. There are projects specially designed for beginners, and extensive repositories filled with advanced concepts, providing newcomers with valuable opportunities. Seize these chances to learn and grow, honing your skills as a developer in the process.


What is the biggest open source software?

It's challenging to pinpoint a single "biggest" open-source software, as there are many significant projects. However, Linux, the operating system kernel, is often considered one of the most prominent and widely used open-source software.

Explore platforms like GitHub OpenSourceCollection, use labels like "good-first-issue," check out curated lists for beginners, and consider tech job platforms from companies actively involved in open source.

Yes, Python is excellent for open-source contributions. It's widely used, has a large community, and many popular open-source projects are written in Python.

Some of the largest open-source projects include the Linux kernel, Chromium (the project behind Google Chrome), and the Apache Hadoop big data framework.