Technology: Python
Category: ERPs
Keywords: attendance-management-system attendance-management-system-opencv attendance-system attendance-using-face-recognition face-recognition gui opencv tkinter

Attendance Management System Project With Source Code

Attendance Management system using Face👦🏻👧 Recognition

forthebadge made-with-python

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Code Requirements

  • Opencv(pip install opencv-python)
  • Tkinter(Available in python)
  • PIL (pip install Pillow)
  • Pandas(pip install pandas)

What steps do you have to follow??

  • Download my Repository
  • Create a TrainingImage folder in a project.
  • Open a AMS_Run.py and change the all paths with your system path
  • Run AMS_Run.py.

Project Structure

  • After running you need to give your face data to the system so enter your ID and name in the box then click on Take Images button.
  • It will collect 200 images of your faces, it saves images in TrainingImage folder
  • After that, we need to train a model(to train a model click on Train Image button.
  • It will take 5-10 minutes for training(for 10 person data).
  • After training click on Automatic Attendance ,it can fill attendance by your face using our trained model (the model will save in TrainingImageLabel )
  • it will create .csv a file of attendance according to time & subject.
  • You can store data in a database (install wamp server), change the DB name according to your in AMS_Run.py.
  • Manually Fill Attendace The button in UI is for filling a manually attendance (without face recognition), it also create a .csv and store it in a database.

Video demo



  • It will require high processing power(I have 8 GB RAM & 2 GB GC)
  • If you think it will recognize a person just like humans, then leave it , it's not possible.
  • Noisy images can reduce your accuracy so the quality of images matters.

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