An automated system to manage a public library. Admin panel for librarians to control and manage the system easily through an interactive interface.
The backend of the system is developed on Laravel 4.2 PHP MVC Framework and requires PHP 5.6 with the appropriate MCrypt extension. The front end is built on Edmin Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template (Demo) which is built on Bootstrap v2.2.2 using jQuery and Underscore-Dot-JS
If you don't already have the MySQL Database Server installed, you will need to install it to use this project. If it is installed, you can skip to step 4.
apt-get update && apt-get install mysql-server
NOTE: PHP 5.6, the PHP mcrypt extension, and MySQL are required for this project:
apt-get update
apt-get install php5.6 php5.6-mcrypt
git clone
cd library-management-system
[sudo] chmod -R 755 app/storage
composer install
Edit mysql.config.php.sample according to your MySQL configurations and save it in the same directory as mysql.config.php
php artisan migrate
php artisan serve
Some notes on Windows setup:
MySQL setup
Open this link to Download MySQL Workbench.
Scroll to the bottom and select Microsoft Windows in the Select your Operating System dropdown.
Click download button in front of Windows (x86, 64-bit), MSI Installer at the bottom.
Right-click the downloaded MSI file and select the Install item from the pop-up menu, or double-click the file.
In the Setup Type window you may choose a Complete or Custom installation. To use all features of MySQL Workbench choose the Complete option.
Unless you choose otherwise, MySQL Workbench is installed in C:\%PROGRAMFILES%\MySQL\MySQL Workbench 8.0 edition_type\
is the default directory for programs for your locale. The %PROGRAMFILES%
directory is defined as C:\Program Files\
on most systems.
PHP Setup
Obtaining the mcrypt
extension for PHP 7+ is not trivial and involves compiling your own PHP build. If your PHP version does not support mcrypt
(i.e. if you have PHP 7+), then the easiest way to run Laravel 4.2 applications is to download a compatible version of XAMPP and make sure the app is run with it.
With the above notes in mind, Windows setup is not too tricky:
Open git shell;
cd C:/path/to/xampp/htdocs
git clone
cd library-management-system
composer update
NOTE: If your PHP version is not compatible with mcrypt
you will receive an error here. Do not worry, simply perform these additional two steps:
C:/path/to/xampp5.6.33/php/php.exe artisan clear-compiled
C:/path/to/xampp5.6.33/php/php.exe artisan cache:clear
Create a table for the app via phpmyadmin (or however you prefer);
Edit app/config/mysql.config.php.sample
according to your MySQL configurations and save it in the same directory as mysql.config.php
php artisan migrate
C:/path/to/xampp5.6.33/php/php.exe artisan migrate
php artisan serve
C:/path/to/xampp5.6.33/php/php.exe artisan serve