Technology: Laravel
Category: Job Portals
Keywords: joblister laravel laravel-framework portal

Joblister Laravel 8 Download

Joblister is made with laravel 8 and vue js.
Having user,author,admin role and permissions
Live : Click Me

>Installation at the bottom


## If you receive and error while installation below::

run composer update instead of composer install also run php artisan key:generate

1. Clone the repository



2. Set the basic config

Edit example.env to .env
Put your db username and password here with DB_DATABASE=job_lister.

DB_CONNECTION=mysql <br />
DB_HOST= <br />
DB_PORT=3306 <br />
DB_DATABASE=job_lister <br /> !important
DB_USERNAME=root <br />


3. Install Dependencies

~composer install
~npm install
~npm run dev

4. Migrate Database

~php artisan migrate:fresh
~php artisan db:seed

5. Serve application

~php artisan serve

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Hi, I'm Habib. I'm the founder of OpenSourceCollection. I help build web applications, grow businesses, big and small. If that is what you want, contact me.

I'm currently available for freelance work.

Visit my Protfolio. Let's connect on Linkedin or GitHub

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