Technology: Golang
Keywords: budgeting expense-tracker finance finance-management financial-independence financial-planning golang open-finance plaid react

Monetr - A Budgeting Application

Monetr is a budgeting application that aims to allow people to more easily plan their recurring expenses. It is completely free to self-host (documentation to come) but requires a Plaid account in order to communicate with banks.

Monetr is currently still in heavy development but is being alpha-tested with the latest release version constantly.


In order to run monetr locally you will need sandbox credentials for Plaid, you can obtain your own credentials here: Plaid Sign Up. Once you have a Client ID and a Client Secret you can run the following command in the monetr project directory to start a local environment.

If you run into any missing commands you can run

brew bundle

To install all of the tools needed to develop monetr.

To start working on monetr, you can follow the Local Development documentation. Or if you want to just dive in you can run the following command in the project directory:

make develop

This will set pretty much everything up that you need to work on monetr. This also works out of the box inside GitPod or GitHub Codespaces.

Contributions are more than welcome!


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Hi, I'm Habib. I'm the founder of OpenSourceCollection. I help build web applications, grow businesses, big and small. If that is what you want, contact me.

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