Technology: Laravel
Category: Ecommerce
Keywords: algolia-search ecommerce-laravel-fullstack ecommerce-website laravel paypal stripe voyager

E-commerce Laravel | Open Source Collection

This repo is based on the youtube series by @drehimself


  • Fully functional E-commerce website front-end and back-end built from scratch.
  • Using laravel voyager as an admin panel for the site.
  • javascript, jQuery, bootstrap, and CSS for the front-end.
  • Intelligent searching mechanism for products.
  • Awesome Cart package that uses a session.
  • An artisan command to seed the database with all necessary dummy data, even for voyager tables (php artisan ecommerce:install).
  • Different user roles and privileges.
  • Categories, tags, and price filtering for easier search for products.
  • And many more features.

Installation Guide

  1. clone this repo to your local machine: git clone https://github.com/mhmdomer/ecommerce-laravel.git && cd ecommerce-laravel
  2. copy .example.env to .env file: cp .example.env .env
  3. create a new database and add the database credentials to your .env file
  4. run composer install
  5. run npm install && npm run dev
  6. run php artisan key:generate
  7. run php artisan ecommerce:install
  8. run php artisan serve and then visit
  9. credentials to access the admin panel (email: [email protected], password: password)
  10. after you login as admin, you can access the admin page from
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Hi, I'm Habib. I'm the founder of OpenSourceCollection. I help build web applications, grow businesses, big and small. If that is what you want, contact me.

I'm currently available for freelance work.

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