Technology: JavaScript
Category: Web Games

Voltorb Flip | Open Source Collection

Voltorb Flip is a minigame of the Goldenrod and Celadon Game Corners in the Korean and Western releases of Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver.

How to play

  • Each row and column has a number of Total Coins and Voltorbs displayed in the colored cards.
  • The objective is to reveal all x2 and x3 Coins while avoiding Voltorbs.

Tools used

Visual Studio Code ReactJS TypeScript Next.js Tailwindcss

VSCode | React | TypeScript | Next.js | Tailwindcss

About the project

The goal of this project was to recreate a 'casino-like' game integrating Typescript and React through Next.js. The main game logic, which was created from scratch, is encapsulated inside VoltorbFlip.ts, Board.ts and Level.ts, and is stored in a React state to be consumed by the UI.

The game's UI was recreated using only Tailwindcss (the only graphic asset I used is the Voltorb sprite).


Methods and Properties

flipCell(row: number, col: number) => void flips cell at given position
restartGame() => void restarts the level
gameStatus returns 'playing' | 'lose' | 'win' | 'memo'
currentLevel returns the current level (1~8)
currentScore returns the current score
totalScore returns the total score
rowValues number of Coins and Voltorbs per row
colValues number of Coins and Voltorbs per column
cells returns a 2D array of Cells


The Pokémon images used in this game and the original Voltorb Flip game concept belong to Nintendo. This game is created solely for educational purposes and is not intended for commercial use.


MIT License. All rights reserved © 2023 JV Vogler.

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Hi, I'm Habib. I'm the founder of OpenSourceCollection. I help build web applications, grow businesses, big and small. If that is what you want, contact me.

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