We developed an end to end Ecommerce web Application using Spring MVC with multiple modules
User Registeration Cell.
CRUD Operations like
Development Platform - Eclipse / IntelliJ Idea
Server - Apache Tomcat Server
Build Tool - Maven
Database - H2 Database
Configuring tomcat with Eclipse (windows) - Click Here.
Installation of maven in eclipse - Click Here.
Clone the repository and import it to eclipse.
Run your H2 Database.
Configure your databse configuration in application-context.xml.
Database properties:
<bean id="dataSource"
<property name="driverClassName" value=YOUR DB DRIVER CLASS NAME" />
<property name="url" value="YOUR DB URL" />
<property name="username" value="YOUR DB USERNAME" />
<property name="password" value="YOUR DB PASSWORD" />
Database Dialect:
<prop key="hibernate.dialect">YOUR DB DIALECT</prop>
Run the server.
If you find that something's wrong with this package, you can let me know by raising an issue on the GitHub issue tracker, or take it as a task and 🧑💻 resolve it 💪 --> create a PullRequest 🛠.
Contributors are most welcome.