Technology: PHP
Category: Job Portals
Keywords: hacktoberfest job-board job-portal jobberbase

Fossjobs - An Open Source Job Hub

fossjobs.net is the first website exclusively for Free & Open Source jobs.

It uses the open source software Jobberbase. See their README.md for links and installation guides.

You can post a job on the website, as long as it directly improves FOSS or open hardware projects. You can also submit jobs directly by emailing [email protected].

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Hi, I'm Habib. I'm the founder of OpenSourceCollection. I help build web applications, grow businesses, big and small. If that is what you want, contact me.

I'm currently available for freelance work.

Visit my Protfolio. Let's connect on Linkedin or GitHub

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About OpenSourceCollection.com
Discover, explore, and find open-source web apps from various categories and technologies, while accessing live demos, screenshots, and GitHub source code links.