Technology: PHP
Category: ERPs
Keywords: addon barcode barcode-buddy erp grocy home ownyourdata self-hosted

BarcodeBuddy - Barcode System for Grocy

Barcode Buddy for Grocy

Available for:


Pass barcodes to Barcode Buddy. If already in the Grocys system, it will consume/add/open the product there.
If an unknown barcode is passed, the product name will be looked up and a corresponding product can be chosen in the Web UI.
Tags can be saved — if a new product contains the tag in the name, the product will be already preselected in the drop-down list.


Webserver that supports PHP (e.g. NGINX, Apache) or Docker, a Grocy API key and ideally a barcode scanner or Android device.

Getting Started

Refer to the documentation, on how to install the program.
Installation can be done in a couple of minutes.


Barcodes can either be manually added to the programm or the process can be automated by grabbing the input from the scanner.

Refer to the documentation, on how to use the program.

Reverse Proxies

If you are using a reverse proxy, please make sure to disable caching, see documentation



This project is AGPL3+ licensed — browse the LICENSE.md file for details


As with all Free software, the power is less in the finances and more in the collective efforts.
I really appreciate every pull request and bugreport offered up by BarcodeBuddy's users, so please keep that stuff coming.
If however, you're not one for coding/design/documentation, and would like to contribute financially, you can do so with the link below.
All help is very much appreciated!

paypal LiberaPay

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Hi, I'm Habib. I'm the founder of OpenSourceCollection. I help build web applications, grow businesses, big and small. If that is what you want, contact me.

I'm currently available for freelance work.

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