Technology: Laravel
Category: ERPs
Keywords: education manage-exams marksheet school-management school-management-system school-project sms teacher

LAVSMS | Open Source Collection

Laravel School Management System

LAVSMS is developed for educational institutions like schools and colleges built on Laravel 8

There are 7 types of user accounts. They include:

Administrators (Super Admin & Admin)

  • Librarian
  • Accountant
  • Teacher
  • Student
  • Parent


Check Laravel 8 Requirements https://laravel.com/docs/8.x


  • Install dependencies (composer install)
  • Set Database Credentials & App Settings in dotenv file (.env)
  • Migrate Database (php artisan migrate)
  • Database seed (php artisan db:seed)

Login Credentials After seeding. Login details as follows:

Account Type Username Email Password
Super Admin cj [email protected] cj
Admin admin [email protected] cj
Teacher teacher [email protected] cj
Parent parent [email protected] cj
Accountant accountant [email protected] cj
Student student [email protected] cj



  • Only Super Admin can delete any record
  • Create any user account

-- Administrators (Super Admin & Admin)

  • Manage students class/sections
  • View marksheet of students
  • Create, Edit and manage all user accounts & profiles
  • Create, Edit and manage Exams & Grades
  • Create, Edit and manage Subjects
  • Manage noticeboard of school
  • Notices are visible in calendar in dashboard
  • Edit system settings
  • Manage Payments & fees


  • Manage Payments & fees
  • Print Payment Receipts


  • Manage Books in the Library


  • Manage Own Class/Section
  • Manage Exam Records for own Subjects
  • Manage Timetable if Assigned as Class Teacher
  • Manage own profile
  • Upload Study Materials


  • View teacher profile
  • View own class subjects
  • View own marks and class timetable
  • View Payments
  • View library and book status
  • View noticeboard and school events in calendar
  • Manage own profile


  • View teacher profile
  • View own child's marksheet (Download/Print PDF)
  • View own child's Timetable
  • View own child's payments
  • View noticeboard and school events in calendar
  • Manage own profile


Your Contributions & suggestions are welcomed. Please use Pull Request

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within LAV_SMS, please send an e-mail to CJ Inspired via [email protected]. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.

Please Note that some sections of this project are in the work-in-progress stage and would be updated soon. These include:

  • The Noticeboard/Calendar in the Dashboard Area
  • Librarian/Acountant user pages
  • Library Resources/Study Materials Upload for Students


  • Phone : +2347068149559
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Hi, I'm Habib. I'm the founder of OpenSourceCollection. I help build web applications, grow businesses, big and small. If that is what you want, contact me.

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