Wondering How to find free source code projects and tutorials? Well, you are at the right place. Here we will tell you how you can find out free codes for your open source contribution.

So if you’re starting your journey in the world of open-source and looking for some authentic free source code projects that will help you out. You know what?  Open source projects are similar to teamwork in which developers publish their code for everyone to use, change, or improve it. Therefore, you can add something new to the project and give it a change of appearance in case want to use it for your own or business purposes. Do make sure to look at the rules (called a license) before jumping in!

So, let’s check out How to find free source code projects and tutorials to start your contribution or learning for this field…

What Are Open Source Projects?

Open source projects are software initiatives where the underlying code is open for public access. The characteristics of open-source software are available for everyone to very, modify, and spread. The users can modify the code as per their requirements and contribute to a dynamic community–driven development model. Open source projects ensure transparency because users are not limited to just using the software they also have an opportunity to improve on it and participate in its development.

Ways Of Finding Free Source Code Projects

First and foremost, searching for free source code projects can be achieved by browsing through different online platforms, repositories, or communities. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you find free source code projects:


OpenSourceCollection is a collection of numerous open-source web applications. As a user, you can browse and learn about open-source web apps from many different categories (E-commerce, Social Networking, Video Streaming, etc…) Plus there are many technologies available such as PHP, Laravel, Python, NodeJS, and many others. You can also see live demos bs screenshots with GitHub code links. Open source is software that can be developed through collaborative efforts, where anyone has access and usage rights to the code with opportunities for modification. OpenSourceCollection is aimed at giving users the power to navigate, contribute, and profit from a huge pool of open-source web applications.

GitHub Search:

Go to GitHub by clicking on this link: https://github.com/. When you get there, search for an option that’s a bar. It is like a magic box through which you input words and receive cool stuff back. For instance, if you want to learn more about building websites (that is web development), type “web development” in the field. Perhaps you’re interested in machines that can learn things (machine learning) or even JavaScript, then type those as well.

Explore GitHub Topics:

GitHub has an element known as ‘Topics’ which groups projects according to topic or technology. These curated lists will also enable you to search for projects that focus on certain domains. Go to Explore on GitHub and click Topics.


Join the fun at Hacktoberfest by visiting https: //hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/. Hacktoberfest is a huge coding party that takes place in October. Come to think of a month-long street party where you contribute to numerous projects on the internet.

Many people (they are called maintainers) place on their projects a special label meaning that it is welcoming someone from Hacktoberfest. It is as if it invites people like you to come and join in. This makes it very convenient for you to get projects where your coding ability can be demonstrated. It is like receiving an invitation to participate in the game, and everyone wants you as a member of their team.

Awesome Lists:

Find “awesome” lists on GitHub. These are lists of carefully selected free resources such as projects. For instance, you can search “awesome-python” or “awesome-web development”.

GitLab and Bitbucket:

Explore Gitlab and Bitbucket, Comparatively, Gitlab and Bitbucket are almost similar to GitHub. Search their search features and categories to see projects.

Open Source Organizations:

Check the websites of well-known open-source organizations. Many organizations list their projects and provide information on how to contribute. For Example: Mozilla Open Source Projects

Ways Of Finding Free Source Code Tutorials

To search for free source code tutorials, we need to visit all manner of online websites that include educative sites and content-sharing platforms. Here's a guide on how to find free source code tutorials:


YouTube offers a wide range of free coding tutorials. Developers and teachers often create video tutorials on different programming languages ​​and technologies. Seek particular subjects or technologies of interest, and look at the most popular channels like Traversy Media, The Net Ninja, and Academind.

Educational Platforms:

Platforms like freeCodeCamp and Codecademy are the best platforms for learning programming, one can learn coding for free. They usually offer interactive learning with practical coding sessions.

Medium and Dev. to:

Blogging platforms like Medium is another way to learn programming…Many tutorials are written by developers in Medium and Dev.to. Look for articles on particular topics, and you can sometimes discover in-depth explanations alongside code.

Things You Need To Consider For Becoming A Good Learner And Contributor

Before you help out with open-source projects, here are some important things to think about:

  • Understand Code Well: The ability to review code is very important. It involves code reading and understanding written by other developers. As you’ll be dealing with already present code, it is essential to know what constitutes the current structure. But helping out becomes problematic if you can’t comprehend it.

  • Know the Project's Technology: Determine what technology (programming language or framework) the project relies on. Understand its usage before you are able to contribute. At times, a project may use more than one.

  • Read the Guidelines: All projects have guidelines for participants. This is like a request for participation with instructions on how to contribute. They are usually located in a file named contribute.md that is stored inside the project’s folder. Before you dive in, take the time to read and understand these guidelines. They will show you what to contribute and how the right way.

How do I contribute?

If you’re interested in exploring the world of open-source software and would like to contribute, it is simpler than you may want – no need to be a tech guru! The open-source community is a massive bunch of people around the world with different talents. If you are good at coding whether it's about the graphical user interface or more technical ones, if it is databases that hold your interest, networking, etc., there surely is a fitting place for everyone. It can be difficult to find someone who will help with the looks (UI design), explain how things work (documentation), and translate it into different languages. Even skills such as marketing and project management are also essential to these big projects.

Here's how you can get started: Many open-source projects use tools like Git to manage their code and what they do. See some big development such as Mozilla Firefox, or LibreOffice on the open-source project website. These communities are free to join where you can also add cool and new features, report bugs, or even try things out before they go official. It is a wonderful opportunity to play an active role in improving software to be used by all.

Summing up

You seem to be really intrigued about joining the open-source community if you are reading this far. All the best with your open-source coding! If one of these platforms assists you in making the initial contribution, let us know via comments. Please share your experience with us.

Happy Coding!


How to find free source code?

By using the search functions on platforms like GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket you will be able to find free source code stored in repositories. Furthermore, you can find free and open-source projects by attending events like Hacktoberfest; visiting learning platforms; or browsing tutorial sites.

The source code of the software is readable instructions written in a programming language that defines how the given software works. It is the base of executable software and can be changed by developers to configure or refine.

To demonstrate an HTML project, devise a folder involving your HTML file as well as CSS styles if necessary, and related images or assets. Share the folder or upload it to sites such as GitHub Pages and Netlify for online use. While making the presentation, open the html file in a web browser to demonstrate how your project looks and functions.

Planet Source Code, a website that hosted user-submitted source code for a variety of programming languages, has closed down. The site's closure occurred several years ago.